ScentBox Coupons & Promo Codes

We`re just like you, fragrance lovers that love to try new and different scents all the time. With over 1000 new fragrances launched each year, we found it difficult and expensive to try new scents. Founders and brothers Les & Craig went on a mission to develop a better way to explore and discover new and amazing designer fragrances....and SCENT BOX was born.


ScentBox Coupons & Promo Codes

We`re just like you, fragrance lovers that love to try new and different scents all the time. With over 1000 new fragrances launched each year, we found it difficult and expensive to try new scents. Founders and brothers Les & Craig went on a mission to develop a better way to explore and discover new and amazing designer fragrances....and SCENT BOX was born.