5 DIY Recycle Decor Ideas

Publish By : admin Publish Date : May 22 9

We all love the planet we live on and want to protect it from harm. With the increasing pollution, the environment is getting affected, and so is human health. But have you ever wondered how you could improve life on earth? And the answer is easier than you can imagine! We can play our role as individuals to protect the planet by utilizing our resources thoughtfully. You can adopt plenty of ways to help save your world and ecosystem from future damage. By making slight changes in our lifestyle, we can make a massive difference in the quality of life on the earth.

The most effective way to protect your environment is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle method. When we recycle, we reduce pollution and damage to the natural world. By recycling, we reuse the materials to form new products, reducing waste, energy, and even money. However, recycling begins at your home. Instead of throwing your old items into the trash, the best idea is to utilize them to create something new and innovative. Almost everything around you could be recycled. You need different ideas and techniques to produce something useable. We will share some creative ideas to renovate your home through recycling through this blog.

Wall Hanging Plates

Do not throw your used, outdated crockery or plates as they could be repurposed into unique decoration pieces that you will love.

What Do You need?

  • Old/used plates
  • Craft Glue
  • Safety pins

  • Paints and brush


Make a floral or any pattern you like on the plates using paints. Place the safety pin at the back of the plate using high-quality glue. Let it dry. Allow it to dry for approximately two days. Now, hang the plate on a nail. That is it!

Hanging Lanterns

If you want to lighten up your home with something creative, try making a DIY lantern through this unique idea. We will brief you on creating a beautiful lantern out of recycled papers around your house.

What Do You Need?

  • Colored paper
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Craft scissor
  • Glue gun or tape
  • Paints (optional)
  • String for hanging


Cut and bend the edges of the paper in your desired shape. Tape the edges of the document and attach the string. You may use paint to decorate your lantern. The hanging lanterns are perfect for any festival like Christmas, Halloween or New Year’s Eve.

Recycled Bottles Planters

Who doesn’t love indoor plants? Add some natural plants to your lounge to give it an eye-catching look. Nothing could be more exciting than making your planter by utilizing old bottles.

What Do You Need?

  • Plastic/glass bottles
  • Acrylic paints and brush
  • Craft knife
  • Plants


Carefully cut the plastic bottles into two using the knife. Paint the bottle to create your design. Fill the bottle with the soil and add a plant. Your DIY plastic bottle plant is ready! Or use an old glass bottle to use it as a planter.

Tote Bag

Are you looking for how to make use of your favorite old fabric? No worries! We have got an excellent idea for you. Turn your old material into a tote bag to add a fun touch to your fashion statement.

What Do You Need?

  • Cotton fabric
  • Canvas strap
  • Fabric cutting scissor
  • Thread
  • Iron


Cut the fabric into your desired size. Now fold it into half. Finish the edges using a zigzag stitch. Sew the edges and iron them flat. Once you have stitched the edges, cut the straps and thread them into the bag. You can add pompoms or laces to have a more fun look.

Desk Organizer

Did you ever think that your toilet rolls could be recycled in many ways? Check out how you can make a cute desk organizer from your toilet rolls. Another easy, peasy, and super fun idea to utilize recycled materials is here.

What Do You Need?

  • Toilet roll
  • Cereal box
  • Craft scissor
  • Glue
  • Washi Tape

  • Gift wrapping sheet


Cut your cereal box to form the base of the toilet rolls. Apply a layer of wrapping sheet on the toilet roll and bottom using glue. Leave them overnight to dry. Use washi tape for a smooth finish on the edges. Your desk organizer is done!